Resources -
Recycling Grants
Recycling Grants
Recycling Grants
Here is a list we’ve compiled of available recycling grant programs in North America. If there’s anything we missed, let us know by calling us at 1 (888) 646-4246 or email

The Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation ABCRC
There are over 110,000 types of beverage containers in Alberta that carry a refundable deposit of 10-25 cents each. You can collect this money for yourself, or do what many Albertans do each year – donate your beverage containers to organizations in need.
North American Grants
The Americas
Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation
The Foundation supports non-profit organizations to promote environmental causes and aid in sustainable development, environmental justice, and environmental education. Americas
Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation
The Foundation awards recycling grants for research projects and educational initiatives for developing tools that promote awareness or increase knowledge of the solid waste industry.
Up to $500,000 America
Patagonia Environmental Grant
Patagonia supports environmental organizations with bold, direct-action agendas and a commitment to long-term change. Eligible entities for recycling grants include any organization that is action-oriented, builds public involvement, and works to build an inclusive and diverse environmental movement.
$2,500 – $15,000 -
Canadian Grants
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Grant
The Foundation supports a wide range of environmental initiatives that have a primary focus on environmental education and green-space programs. Eligible entities include registered Canadian charities, educational institutions, municipalities, and Aboriginal groups.
Average grant sizes are $2,000 – $8,000 Municipal Fund- Pilot Project Waste Diversion
This funding helps Canadian municipalities, private sector entities, Indigenous communities, not-for-profits, research institutes, and non-governmental organizations to reduce, reuse, and recycle material that would have otherwise entered the waste stream.
Up to $500,000
The Community Champions Program
The Community Champions Program is a positive approach to building participation in beverage container recycling. The program provides recycling grants for specialized recycling bins (indoor and outdoor) and start-up support to the Community Champions Program, by ensuring more accessible and convenient out-of-home opportunities for recycling.
Up to $20,000 -
American Grants
United States
The Keep America Beautiful/Coca-Cola Public Spaces Recycling Bin Grant Program
The grant program awards recycling bins to schools, government agencies, colleges and other community organizations
on a competitive basis. Interested parties complete an online application, designating the style and number of bins
they would like and explaining how and where they would use the bins. Keep America Beautiful selects recipients
based on the merits of their proposal according to several criteria including need and the potential to recover the
greatest amount of recyclables. Keep America Beautiful then works with its vendors to arrange delivery of the bins
at no cost to the grant recipients. In addition to the free bins awarded through the grant, all applicants are
extended the opportunity to purchase additional recycling bins and related accessories at a special, discounted
price. Grants are offered to KAB affiliates, government and public agencies, non-profit organizations, tribal
governments, religious organizations, colleges & universities, k-12 schools and other community groups
Up to $20,000
Community Waste Reduction Grant
The Community Waste Reduction Grant (CWRG) is a competitive grant program that provides funding for innovative
projects that significantly reduce waste and/or increase the diversion of recoverable materials that would
otherwise be sent to the Franklin County Sanitary Landfill for disposal. This grant program is not offered to
private-sector businesses. The program is designed to provide funding to assist with building sustainable
programs, projects, and services that address the unique waste reduction and material diversion needs of central
From $500 to $35,000
NatureWorks projects are funded through the Ohio Parks and Natural Resources Bond Issue which was approved by
Ohio voters in November 1993.
The NatureWorks grant program provides up to 75% reimbursement assistance for local government
subdivisions(townships, villages, cities, counties, park districts, joint recreation districts, and conservancy
to for the acquisition, development, and rehabilitation of recreational areas.
Up to $150,000 Environmental Protection Agency
Local governments and nonprofits can receive funding to purchase equipment for the collection and processing
of recyclables and construction and demolition debris. These organizations can also receive funding to implement
litter collection events, outreach, and education.
Varies by project
Virginia Department of Environmental Equality
DEQ provides funds for litter prevention and recycling grants to localities under a non-competitive grant
program based on population and road miles. These grants have been awarded annually, since 1980, to
localities for local litter prevention and recycling program implementation, continuation, and/or expansion.
To date, Virginia businesses, who pay into the trust fund, have contributed over $78 million to support
local government litter control and recycling programs.
Varies Virginia
Recycling Assistance Grant Program
The West Virginia Legislature made it possible to offer this program through a $1.00 fee imposed on every ton of
solid waste disposed of at state landfills. Rules governing the program are under State Rule 33CSR10. The funds are
available to any county, municipality, the public or private entity in West Virginia that is interested in planning
and implementing recycling programs, related public educational programs or need assistance in recycling market
Up to $150,000 for public entity, up to $75,000 for private entity
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