On an annual basis, roughly 100 billion rubber and plastic gloves are thrown out! It’s important to properly dispose of plastic gloves after use to avoid contamination. We have the perfect solution, a recycling bin customized to solely collect plastic gloves. This is beneficial for companies that deal with hazardous waste products, medical professionals, and individuals in the food industry.

How to set up a plastic glove recycling station:
- Customize the recycling bin! Add effective graphics and labels to clearly communicate the bin is solely for used glove disposal.
- Make sure the bin is the right size. Conduct a waste audit ahead of time to determine the number of rubber gloves disposed of on a regular basis, choose the size of your bin accordingly.
- Place bins in high-traffic areas with clear visibility. Most effectively located near sinks, exits, and common areas.
- Clearly communicate the launch to employees and custodial staff.
- Maintain communication throughout the entire process to encourage participation and involvement.
Or even better, purchase bio-degradable gloves!
Looking for more recycling tips? Check out these other blogs:
- What to Recycle and What Not to Recycle
- What Goes in the Compost Bin? 4 Tips to Get Organics Collection Right at Your Business
- What DOESN’T Go in the Compost Bin
CleanRiver Recycling provides a variety of innovative, flexible and customizable recycling solutions. To determine the right solution to meet your needs, use the CleanRiver product selector.
If you have additional questions that weren’t answered in this blog post please call us at 1-866-479-4038 or email