
At CleanRiver, we are and will continue to be advocates for avoiding single-use plastic, even during the extenuating circumstances we currently find the world in. Due to the pandemic, the general population has been throwing away personal protective equipment and single-use plastic after just one use. Although they may be convenient, single-use plastics create long-term environmental issues. They take roughly 450 years to decompose. Here are 4 ways to avoid single-use plastics during the COVID-19 crisis.

reusable bottle1. Choose Reusable Water Bottles

Although it may be easy to pick up a pack of water bottles during your weekly shop, it can become wasteful if not properly recycled.  A more sustainable solution would be to purchase one reusable water bottle or invest in a water filter. Not only does this avoid single-use plastic from piling up in landfills, but it also sets an example for the people around you. Did you know more than 60 million plastic bottles end up in landfills every day? That’s a total of roughly 22 billion a year.

If you do continue to purchase beverages in single-use plastic containers, please remember to recycle! This will contribute to proper recycling habits and will ensure the bottles are properly collected and recycled, to help close the loop.

2. Bring Reusable Tupperware

We know you’re getting sick of cooking at home and have been debating picking up food from your favourite restaurant. If you decide to order take-out, bring reusable Tupperware with you! Those Styrofoam take-out containers take 500 – millions of years to decompose. Typically, bits and pieces break down chemically, but not entirely, and enter the environment only for animals to digest it. This can cause the animals to choke or it will eventually block their digestive systems.

3. Avoid Plastic Bags While Grocery Shopping

For the time being, reusable bags aren’t allowed in grocery stores. However, you can rinse plastic bags and reuse them. Or even better, don’t bag your groceries in the store. Instead, place them in reusable bags once you get to your trunk to avoid the use of single-use plastic altogether.

4. Limit the Use of Plastic Gloves

If you do wear gloves, try to source compostable options or simply wash washing handsand reuse them. But hand sanitizer and soap are effective ways to kill the virus!

Here are a few other things you can integrate into your daily life to be environmentally friendly:

  • Eat less meat
  • Use canvas bags vs plastic
  • Ride your bike instead of driving to the store
  • Buy LED light bulbs
  • Opt for a bar of soap vs body wash
  • Purchase bamboo toothbrushes
  • #StopSucking
  • Bring a thermos when you pick up coffee
  • Hang dry your clothes
  • Wash clothes in cold water
  • Use reusable dishcloths vs paper towels
  • Shop at your local farmers market
  • Re-use your tea leaves
  • Support local, sustainable businesses

For more on how to avoid single-use plastic read our blog: “5 Ways to Avoid Single-Use Plastic.” Just remember, every little bit makes a difference!
COVID-19, Coronavirus, single-use plastic, plastics______________________________________________________________________________________________

Looking for more information on reducing and recycling plastics? Check out these other blogs:

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CleanRiver Recycling provides a variety of innovative, flexible and customizable recycling solutions. To determine the right solution to meet your needs, use the CleanRiver product selector.

If you have additional questions that weren’t answered in this blog post please call us at 1-866-479-4038 or email