
Turn your trash into treasure with recycling grants.

We all know the saying “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” but when it comes to recycling many businesses are completely missing the boat in terms of the money that can be made in recyclable materials. Recycling and diverting waste from landfill not only has a positive impact on the environment but it can provide huge benefits to your bottom line.

When companies make sustainable choices and implement recycling programs, they have the potential to sell their recyclable waste for alternative uses thus earning back money that was used to finance the program and in most cases generate even more.  As recycling technology continues to make advancements; our metals, plastics and glass only become more precious as the cost of materials go up. Couple that with the fact that millennials and modern-day consumers are demanding green and sustainable products, getting a recycling program started for your business becomes a no-brainer.


1. Start-Up Recycling Grants That Provide Full Funding

When it comes to initial funding to start a recycling program, many businesses may not have the budget available, that’s why it is so important to look into start-up grants that are available through your state or province.  Whether it’s a government green grant for recycling businesses or other types of programs that are more generic, there is lots of money out there for the taking, you just have to do a little bit of research of which funding programs you may be eligible for.

Checking with your state or province’s department of environmental protection or conservation agencies are always a great place to begin researching any funding available for recycling programs.  For example, CBCRA – Recycling Everywhere program in Manitoba operates as an agent for Manitoba Beverage Manufacturers. This program provides free recycling bins to these companies and administers funding that can be used for replacement parts for previously purchased containers.   The CBCRA offers CleanRiver products branded “Recycle Everywhere” and also connects potential customers whose needs are outside the scope of their general waste products. Our CleanRiver experts then partner with them to implement an effective program that is unique to their facility.


2. Small Business Recycling Grants Where The Company Must Match A Percentage Of Funds Provided

Even if you cannot get full funding initially, your region may have matching grants available where the company is responsible for matching a percentage of the funds provided.  In terms of small business grants:

Recycling entrepreneurs may qualify for private or federal small business grants. Such grants may provide actual funding, or free business advice or technical expertise.  In California, the Enter Fund provides technical help and loans ranging from $250 to $25,000 for businesses with five employees or less. The United States Environmental Protection Agency also provides funding through its Jobs Through Recycling program. This program allocates monies to state, local and tribal government agencies for disbursement to recycling companies that meet its criteria, including a minimum 25 percent match of the federal grant. Other criteria include potential for job creation and market expansion for recycled materials.


The Minnesota Municipalities – Under the Solid Waste Processing Facilities Capital Assistance Program has provided over $60 million to assist more than 90 projects and their funding can be used for recycling infrastructure. Eligible applicants are Minnesota cities, counties, solid waste management districts, and sanitary districts and their eligible projects are facilities that include resource recovery.

Recycling these days goes beyond the typical beverage can and cardboard. Computers, cell phones and other e-waste are just some of the vast materials that recycling companies covet and are looking to reclaim and repurpose. So take the first step and conduct a waste audit within your organization.  You will begin to have a better understanding of the type of material you may be able to collect. From there you should have a better idea of the kind of funding you may need to start an effective recycling program and take the first steps into turning your trash into treasure.

-By Christina Lafferty

Check out our Grant Finder Search Tool to help get you started.

For more information on the types of grants available check out

Or speak to one of our grant experts to get your questions answered  and more information on how to implement a revenue-generating recycling program at or call 1-888-646-4246.

Check out our blogs  How Recycling Impacts Your Bottom Line & Get Big Returns With a Tiny Bin for more information about how implementing a recycling program can save your business money.

CleanRiver Recycling provides a variety of innovative, flexible and customizable recycling solutions. To determine the right solution to meet your needs, use the CleanRiver product selector.


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